是的预科生焦点:认识一下Dat Le

创建:2019年6月4日|最后更新:2020年7月7日|类别:   |  Tagged:

宾夕法尼亚州华盛顿(2019年6月4日)——在华盛顿 & Jefferson College (W&J), we pride ourselves on our partnerships with other institutions that provide pathways to higher education for students, both at W&J and beyond. 通过det365app的合作伙伴计划 YES Prep Schools in Houston, Texas, we are able to connect with an outstanding group of scholars and provide educational and extracurricular opportunities for these students.

At the end of the year, det365app和即将毕业的高年级学生聊了聊他们在这个项目中的经历. 虽然det365app为他们的离开感到难过,但det365app为他们在W .所做的工作感到骄傲&J. We asked business administration major and financial economics minor Dat Le ’19 some questions about his time at W&J. Here’s what he had to say:

问:你来W的感觉是什么&J from a YES Prep School?

A:远离家乡,我很紧张. 我知道我想离开这个州,但是没有你的家人在你身边真的很伤脑筋.


答:Yes Prep的聚会对我影响最大. 在会议上,会有其他和我一样的Yes学生. 和他们坐下来谈谈一切总是很棒的.


A:我毕业后的计划是回休斯顿, 在投资银行业找份工作.

About Washington & Jefferson College

Washington & 杰斐逊学院位于宾夕法尼亚州华盛顿.是一所建于1781年的文理学院. Committed to providing each of its students with the highest-quality undergraduate education available, W&J offers a traditional arts and sciences curriculum emphasizing interdisciplinary study and independent study work. 欲了解更多关于W&J, visit oa7ci.hataselektrik.com,或致电888-W-AND-JAY.